SCO SQL-Retriever: Transforming UNIX Data Into Windows Information...Fast

The Only Product You Need to Deliver UNIX Relational Databases Straight to the Windows Desktop

System Requirements


  • High-performance, complete Windows to UNIX integration product
  • Higher performance, lower PC memory overhead than database vendor approach
  • Easy to install, set up and use
  • Cost-effective with no hidden costs
  • Open, with no database vendor or network lock-in
  • Designed for all major UNIX platforms and database products - simultaneously if necessary
  • Complies with ODBC and all key client/server standards


  • Includes ODBC driver, connectivity software and comprehensive integration suite
  • Performance enhancement using fast caching and unique read-ahead facility
  • Automatic detection of existing networking software and simple setup
  • Does not require database connectivity / networking modules
  • Supports Oracle, Informix, Ingres, Sybase, Interbase and Progress
  • Supports Sun Solaris, SCO, IBM, HP, Digital, Data General and many other UNIX platforms
  • Conforms to ODBC 2.0 Core, Level 1, most Level 2 plus extensions

Transforming UNIX Data Into Windows Information...Fast

SCO SQL-Retriever is the only product you need to deliver corporate databases straight to the Windows desktop. It is an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) middleware product designed for people who want fast, easy access to a range of UNIX databases. It rapidly moves relational database (RDBMS) information to and from Windows applications. In a modern organization awash with data but thirsty for information, SCO SQL-Retriever delivers the tangible benefit as well as the promise of client/server computing.

Easy access for Windows users

SCO SQL-Retriever can be used to bring RDBMS data to Windows personal productivity programs such as:

  • Microsoft Office and Office 95 products
  • Lotus Smartsuite Products
  • Report writers, such as Microsoft Access, Approach, Informs
  • Word processors such as Microsoft Word, AmiPro, WordPerfect
  • Spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, QuattroPro

Once there, the data can be manipulated and presented in new ways and transformed into powerful, persuasive or decision-enhancing information.

Freedom of choice for developers

SCO SQL-Retriever is equally designed for people who develop Windows programs to query, write reports from or manipulate RDBMS data. Developers can choose from the world's most popular programming tools, including:

  • Microsoft Visual Basic and C++
  • Gupta SQLWindows
  • Cognos Impromptu and Powerplay
  • PowerBuilder
  • Borland Delphi

This freedom of choice lets developers make decisions based on functionality rather than on compatibility with database brands.

Users get more out of corporate database information

With SCO SQL-Retriever, you can link Windows programs, spreadsheets, databases, word processors or report writers to all popular UNIX databases. In this way, you can apply the Windows presentation and integration benefits to text-based host data, making the data easier to manipulate and use, and more powerful.

Using SCO SQL-Retriever, developers can create distributed applications without the necessity for different versions for different hosts, databases and network connections.

Programming to multiple databases with SCO SQL-Retriever

Programming to multiple databases without SCO SQL-Retriever

The way SCO SQL-Retriever uses ODBC offers the Windows developer a significant advantage: the standard API allows developers to create a single executable which can operate with any database engine. In other words, the client can be entirely independent of the server or servers.

SCO SQL-Retriever extends this benefit even further. The developer need not be concerned about the underlying network or indeed UNIX operating system. This means the developer can concentrate on maintaining and supporting the application, not the environment in which it operates.

Total Windows to multi-platform UNIX integration

Because SCO SQL-Retriever includes support for 16- and 32-bit applications in Windows and Windows 95 environments, it opens up opportunities to every Windows application in use in your organization.

And, because it is database independent, SCO SQL-Retriever delivers database mobility - the solution builder can apply the same product solution to multiple database brands on any number of leading UNIX platforms.

Independent, high-performance connectivity

SCO SQL-Retriever supports a complete set of connectivity modules to make it easier to integrate Windows and UNIX.

SCO SQL-Retriever frees you from having to use or indeed purchase database vendors' proprietary networking modules, such as lngres-Net, SQL*Net or lnformix-Net. Less expensive and more PC memory efficient, SCO SQL-Retriever is fast. It is also flexible, supporting all popular versions of UNIX and all popular database products, with over 120 combinations of platforms and databases.

In addition, SCO SQL-Retriever takes care of all client/server communications, and can take advantage of any popular networking software. Each user license includes a copy of Microsoft's TCP/IP product (although SCO SQL-Retriever includes support for the TCP/IP products you may already have).

Open, compliant solution

Built on ODBC 2.0 standards, SCO SQL-Retriever provides core and Level I functions, as well as the most significant Level 2 functions and extensions. In addition, SCO SQL-Retriever has the benefit of being a single ODBC driver that can use all of the world's most popular database products.

In mixed vendor or migratory environments, this avoids having too many products installed in the client PCs, freeing memory and simplifying management.

SCO SQL-Retriever's unique architecture allows Windows or Windows 95 applications, such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access or programs written in Visual Basic or Visual C++, to make concurrent connections to multiple databases on multiple servers. SQL-Exchange, included with SCO SQL-Retriever, allows applications which are not ODBC compliant to access UNIX databases by converting DDE to ODBC.

In this way, SCO SQL-Retriever ensures that all popular Windows based applications have access to and can be used to manage data stored in the corporate DBMS.

"if you want to connect Windows workstations to Unix servers, then SQL-Retriever... is the easiest and most efficient way to do it"
Butler Group Client/Server Strategies and Technologies, September 1995

"SQL-Retriever is faster than other comparable products"
OpenOptions / IBM AIX magazine Summer 1995

A comprehensive suite of utilities for complete Windows to UNIX integration


SQL-Exchange is a powerful utility that lets any DDE- (Dynamic Data Exchange) aware Windows application access ODBC data sources. In this way, SQL-Exchange protects users investment in older desktop applications, without limiting their ability to develop client/server environments.


SQL-Gold is a testing/proving tool. It provides an easy way of opening and closing connections to databases, as well as running explicit SQL statements and performing maintenance work like loading and unloading tables and creating indexes.

Host Manager

Host Manager provides a graphical way to set up and configure the host addressing information. Traditionally a source of complexity and error, setting up network addressing information becomes easy with Host Manager.

Communications Monitor

Communications Monitor graphically displays read and write access to the network from the PCs communications link. This utility can be especially useful to system administrators for monitoring traffic and optimizing queries.

VT52 Emulator

SCO SQL-Retriever includes a VT52 terminal emulator. This is especially useful for system managers to test communications links, and to check the status of the server system and the DBMS.

Local Printer Daemon

An LPD acts as a network printer for UNIX printing services. It allows users to use their local PC's printer as if it were connected to the UNIX servers.

Mechanical data

Server platforms

  • Sun SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.x
  • PC SCO ODT3 and SCO Open Server 5
  • PC UNIXWare 1 and 2
  • PC UNIX Vr4 (including NCR, AT&T)
  • IBM RS6000 AIX 3.2 & 4.1
  • Hewlett Packard UX9.x
  • Digital ULTRIX 4.x and UNIX OSF/1
  • Data General AvIIon (also, selected databases on other platforms including Siemens SINIX. Sequent PTX2.x. ICL DRS/NX 6.x. Check for availability.)

Server databases

  • lnformix 4,5,6&7
  • lngres 6.4
  • Oracle 7
  • Progress 7
  • lnterbase 3.x
  • Sybase 10

PC platforms

  • Microsoft Windows 3.1 / Windows for Workgroups 3.1 1
  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation

Open Interfaces

  • ODBC 2.0 Core, Level 1, most significant Level 2 plus extensions
  • Windows WinSock connectivity
  • Windows DDE via SQL-Exchange utility (supplied)